在低階噴墨印表機做數位打樣(Digital proof on consumer inkjet printer)



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proof on consumer inkjet printer)




平面出版業以數位打樣(噴墨,彩色雷射)來取代傳統印刷打樣己是確立的現象,然而目前要達到夠qualify數位樣所需的成本仍相當高,以目前輸出中心所架設的數位樣設備少則數十萬多則上百萬,以某家公司的典型設備為例:一部Epson 9800: 19萬,EFI ColorProof
,,若要自己作icc profile, 加上eyeone pro with profilemaker publish, 再加上20, 如此已是50萬的設置了,這已經不是一般設計公司願意負擔的成本,不必說是個人設計師了;雖然設計公司未必用到如9800那樣大的format,若以epson 4800加上RIP軟體,由廠商提供內定icc profile, 十來萬的基本門檻是跑不掉的

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Happy New Year 2006

Happy New year!!

powerbook disasemble site

PB3400 http://www.genchan.com/mac/pb34kbd.html

Pdflib php bind on mac osx

put libpdf_php.so into /usr/lib and /usr/local/php/include

Mysql PHP on Tiger Win2003

Spend whole day to fix Mysql & php problem on Tiger & Win2003

1.Mysql cannot start up on Tiger
type cd /usr/local/mysql
type sudo chown -R mysql data/,

enter your Mac OS X account password when asked for it.

To start the server, issue

sudo echo

first, then type

sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe &

Use it with /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql test

2. Php 4.2 code won’t work on php4.3 on Tiger.
a. use /'"/

Fix Mac eof

a link

End of File Errors happen in pretty well every OS I’ve used (Wintel, UNIX,
Mac, Atari and Commodore AMiga)… from time to time. What happens is that
the file mapping file gets screwed (by a few bad bits, or an interrupted
save or whatever) and this then sets attributes for that file which can be
way outta whack. For example if could tell the OS that the file is 2000
terabytes long, and contained in sectors that don’t exist on the volume in

When the time comes to access the file … the OS takes this screwed up
info and compares it to the volume characteristics it has on file and, in
the MacOS and Wintel case (no version fo UNIX I’ve used treats this as a
fatal error) … crashes big-time because the conflict can’t be resolved.

Solution … do regular file integrity checks using Nortons, TechTool,
Apple’s Disk First Aid etc … and watch what they tell you. If they tell
you a file is corrupted by a bad EOF don’t boot it. Try to repair it, and
if that’s not successful trash the puppy. Everyone does back-ups of
crucial data files, so it should simply be a matter of copying it back
onto the machine from your backup.

Often on the Mac these file related errors happen in Preference or app
associated files that are loaded when the app loads … which can be a
bummer. But regular file integrity checks tend to nail the suckers as they

If the file being corrupted is always the same, or if the files concerned
are being corrupted under the same sets of circumstances then you may have
either an extension conflict or a ‘bad’ appplication. Also, check that
you’ve installed all the OS and app bug-fixes from Apple and the
application suppliers)





Use Eye-One Share to get the fluorescent spectrum, put it in “/measurement/light/" then use the light source to create profile. It WORK! I got better result than D50 light source when I viewing under fluorescent light.

Link About SID


Text digitization– link from the Library Preservation at Harvard

The link

無法安裝 Internet Explorer High Encryption Service Pack 6/6a

Microsoft Internet Explorer High Encryption Pack 和 Internet Explorer 5.5 所安裝的 Schannel.dll 檔案無法被 Service Pack 安裝程式覆寫時,就會發生這個問題。

由於美國政府最近的決議公佈,允許企業輸出堅固 128 位元加密的產品,因此依據預設,Internet Explorer 5.5 包含了 128 位元加密。

Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 和 6a 是在達成此決議之前所發行的。因此,Service Pack 6 和 6a 的語系版本是 40 位元版本。這些 Service Pack 的 40 位元版本會偵錯更高的加密等級,並且不允許本身進行安裝。

如果要解決這個問題,並防止版本編號掃瞄器比較 Schannel.dll 檔案版本: 1. 請使用任何文字編輯器 (例如「記事本」),開啟 Service Pack 來源檔案中 I386\Update 資料夾的 Update.inf 檔案。
2. 在 Update.inf 檔案的 [CheckSecurity.System32.files] 區段中,在 Schannel.dll、Security.dll 和 Ntlmssps.dll 檔案前面加上分號 (;)。
3. 儲存並關閉 Update.inf 檔案。
4. 安裝此 Service Pack。