Print By Number:: tool integration

Tool integration for printing system management.


This is how I know my printing system well, in a very fast way.

I know my plate, with a single click on tint or scan mode to reveal the tone curve.

I know my press, with a single click on tint or scan mode to reveal the tone curve.

I know how to handle the solid density, with the help of Beer’s law.

I know how to handle the RGB when doing G7, with help of a*b* hexagon.

I can handle the gray balance, with the G7 grayfinder rule.

I can verify the G7 Targeted in less than 1 minute, so I got more leeway to adjust the press when doing G7 qualification.

I know how good/bad my display is, if necessary.

all with i1 only, and in a very fast way.



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